Weiss on the Brain

Yes, I have noticed this blog has been a little heavy on the otaku (subterranean-dwelling anime fan) stuff and light on the writing lately. Deal with it, I’m in that stage, the my voices are muttering but they won’t let me hear them yet stage. (be afraid…)

Besides, Weiss is cool! I got the manga/art books today, all the way from Japan, and the munchkin and I were thrilled just with the envelope, with its kanji stamp and postmark—ooh, Japan! And the books! Wowza! Worth every dime if I’d paid twice what I did, can not believe I got them so cheap, and all the way from Japan! (did I mention they’re straight from Japan?)

Yes, they’re almost completely in Japanese. So? ::grin:: Luckily I know this website where some wonderfully rabid otaku translated them…

Besides. Today Luc’s dad explained to me just how I will peel Lan away from Rafe and Taro and out on his own for your entertainment pleasure. So it’s not like I’m completely slacking.

Whoops, gotta post, before this becomes tomorrow’s message! Don’t ask why I’m up so late. (did I happen to mention my new books came all the way from Japan?)

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