
So apparently vacation scatters my mind. Not a bad thing–I do believe it needed the break. I let it run all over the place for the last twelve days, and I’m sure when it finds its way home, it will be much happier. But now I’m trying to get myself put back together, and I think my mind is still back in Disney World riding Thunder Mountain Railroad a few more times. (Awesome ride. Highly recommend. More in a future post.)

Anyway. I started my 750words this morning, and the first thing I did was to put in sections for organizing it later. Things like “Motivations for Change” because I’ve decided some changes need to be made in my life. “Things I need to do” because my to-do list has been neglected and I know there’s stuff that never made it ON the list and I need to write them down as I think of them. Also, seriously need to look at dates and priorities. I know it’s the 18th, but only because I just looked at my taskbar. I gotta get back in the game!

Other sections include “Stories I want to write” “Habits I want to form” “Blog Post Ideas” “Write to friend thoughts” and so on.

It’s possible I have too many sections. I keep wandering off, then coming back to sort of stare blankly. So I’m now combining my “General Babble” section with my “Blog Post Ideas” section, and you get a rambly blog post and I get my words.

Yay? Yay.

I want to tell you all about Disney World, but I’ll need my mind for that. Also my camera, which is…somewhere here? It can’t be far; I was using it on the bus.

Pro tip: To get pictures through bus windows without the reflection of the other side of the bus, stand up and take your picture at the top of the window. No, it TOTALLY didn’t take me till two hours out of Tucson on the return trip to figure that out, why do you ask?

Can I just say I’m so flipping glad I told my work I’d need a day to recover from my vacation, so I don’t have to go in till tomorrow?

Right, right, I think I was going to talk about how scatterbrained I am right now. It’s interesting–I don’t think I’ve gotten quite to this state before. Generally I see vacation as a time to get MORE done, not less. And never (pretty much never) absolutely nothing. This time, though, I was far too busy having fun to use the internet that I had when I had it, and on the bus I just couldn’t do much at all and…well.

Brain gone, and I’m enjoying it. Let’s just leave it at that, shall we? I’m sure the ol’ mind will show up at some point, and I’ll be glad to see it, but for now I’m drinking way too much coffee and trying to remember where stuff goes.

Oh, and trying to decide where I want to put my wand. 🙂

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