Garth Brooks and Decaf Coffee

I lied yesterday, and didn’t even know it.  Today, as I was rejoicing that all my chapters were finally in the computer, I noticed that I was wrong.  So again today, my hands hurt.  I’ll survive.  This time I’m pretty sure it’s all in.  Thanks to Garth Brooks and decaf coffee, which does have caffeine, so if you drink enough, it’s like drinking regular…what can I say, it’s a lean month, I don’t have money for regular right now.  I happened to have an extra can of decaf, though, thank God.  And Garth Brooks, because I can upload the tracks, choose only what I want to hear, and not be online for the radio, then go surfing because it’s there.

I do very much like the “Hair Metal” station.  Guns ‘n’ Roses, Warrant, KISS, Aerosmith–wouldn’t think that fit with Garth Brooks, would you?  So I’m weird.  I also looked up the translation for Carmina Burana today.  Choral singing, in Latin and German.  Really good stuff.  And I tracked down USMC ranks.  My sarge can stay a sarge, and not become a gunny.  I’m relieved.  I don’t have to change all my websites.

The weapon paragraph is written.  She can now call it a PBW and everyone will know what she’s talking about.

I’m going to go to bed now.  And tomorrow I’m going to reacquaint myself with these strangers who live with me, that I chase screaming from the room when I’m trying to get that last chapter in…  Who knows.  I might not even blog.

I love that word.  Blog.  Blah, blah, I come, the evil blogoid!

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