In the Pink

Yeah, I know, I’ve been missing in action lately. I decided I needed to deal with that ugly little cave pretending to be Hope’s bedroom, and get my living room full of toys cleared out. So I haven’t blogged in what, four days? So why the hell is my living room still full of toys?

Some things have been accomplished, though. The unpaintable cave is now swathed in pink curtains (I’m talking most of the walls, not just the window) and pink sheets and pink doilies and doodads and whatevers. It looks like a harem. No, I’m not kidding.

Hope is thrilled. I even bought her a hanging lamp, that when turned on, bathes the room in pink light. For a five-year-old in love with pink, it’s awesome. I admire my work for short intervals, but when my eyes start to bleed, I have to close the (pink) door and walk on by.

The toys I’m working on. I asked her to go through and decide what she didn’t want anymore, but I got tired of the battle and am doing it myself. Needless to say, I’m more ruthless than she is. I expect she’ll learn something about leaving her work to Mommy.

I’m exhausted, and I hurt all over. It’s a good thing. I can’t think of anything but that damn pink room.

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