Irretrievably Borked

Irretrievably Borked

On Saturday I had an idiot moment. I had it while my host was taking a backup of my site. I had my own backup, but I borked the site so badly that the backup won’t take.

So. lives again, but I’m going to have to put EVERYTHING back. And it’s unlikely I have usable copies of at least half of it.

Sigh. You’d think I’d learn. I thought I had learned. I backed my site up weekly. I back up the blog, I back up the computer, I use Dropbox for every document not-Scrivener…†

There will come a day when I have everything everywhere backed up and invulnerable. Probably the day before the meteor hits. Or the zombies come. Whichever.

†In case you didn’t know, Dropbox and Scrivener do not play nicely together. Get around that by saving .zip files into Dropbox, solely as a backup.

3 thoughts on “Irretrievably Borked”

    1. Thank you. I wish I had not fed the website to the code-monster that ate it. >_>

      I do love my timeline! Maybe you should write a series so you could have one too?

      1. I seem to write duologies and trilogies all over the place. But maybe if I get my act together on the Trilogy, I can one day have many books spanning hundreds of years. Bwhahahaha! Oh! Or there’s the science fiction series I have planned…

        Dangit, KD, don’t encourage me. <_<

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