The Ultimate Writer's Helper!

I am so loving this! Being online is doing wonderful things for my writing. I’m getting more done this month than I have in the past two years. I’m e-mailing my writer friend, we’re discussing problems as we write, and both our stories are getting better. I take breaks to check the message boards and chat rooms, and get great ideas from the great minds hanging out there. And when I need to know something or see someone…wow!

There is a site that has 1500 pictures of Elijah Wood. It’s Always and Forever Elijah Wood, if you want to have a look. It’s actually a pretty good site, though 1500 pix boggles the mind. I found it because my writing friend casts actors to play her characters, and that helps her figure out how they would express themselves. She suggested I try it for some problems I’m having with the doc. And Elijah Wood is the only actor I can think of who could be the doc. But outside The Lord of the Rings, which, no, I haven’t seen nearly enough times yet, I haven’t seen much of Elijah lately. I’m not counting my online wallpaper. That’s just one picture. So I went looking for more, and boy did I find them!

I also got to enjoy my second IM ever today, talking to my brother on the other end of the country. We’ve been apart a long time, with just a couple visits, so it’s really great to be able to talk and not worry about phone charges and such. Of course, before too long the munchkin needed food.

I’m loving online, that’s for sure. But it worries me that I’m starting to forget the faces of my hubby and child. (Just kidding! I could never forget them. Those faces are always interrupting me, asking for silly things like food, and attention…)

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