Yes, I’m up at 0517.  I’ve been awake since 0254, I just finally decided to get the hell up, it was pretty clear I wasn’t getting back to sleep.

I want that house.  Want, want, want.  Please, please, please.  So much I’m afraid to think about it.  Don’t want to talk about it.  Praying with complete and utter faith, and hoping that this is the time that God thinks I should have a house just like that one.  ‘Cause He knows what I need, y’know.  There’s no such thing as an unanswered prayer.

Next person to tell me that or “what’s meant to be, will be,” is getting whacked.  I don’t want platitudes, damn it.  I want that realty agent to call me and tell me when I can move in.

Also a nap would be nice.  And a lot of chocolate.  A nap and chocolate and a cooler day predicted, if I can’t have the realty agent calling me RIGHT NOW to say yes.

Maybe I should take her a chocolate bar?  In a pail of dry ice, otherwise it would be a chocolate puddle before it got there.

What happened to the rain?

Oh, word count?  Couldn’t say, I just got up and I don’t have both eyes focusing in the same direction yet.  Even though I’ve been awake for hours.  sigh.

Something tells me I’m not getting a lot of work done today.

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