You Want Me to Do What???

Be social?  On the fourth of July?  Now come on.  If I ducked it at Christmas and I dodged it at Easter, why on Earth would I do it for the fourth?

Oh.  Because my roommate said I would?  *sigh*  She’s kind of scary.  😉

Actually, it was a fun day.  Hope went to Thomas’ house to bake, and Bly and I got to go wander WalMart and Best Buy without child-whining.  (other forms of whining, though…why can’t I afford everything in Best Buy?)  Then we had a nice peaceful afternoon at our computers, and then we went back to Thomas and Donna’s for dinner.  Thomas and Hope made the most incredible chocolate cake…  Bly had some trouble, she didn’t realize they had four cats, not two.  Not until her eyes looked like she’d been doing some Very Good Drugs, anyway.  But we moved the meal outside and after that it was lovely.

No, seriously.  It was very nice.  After dinner we came back here for the fine view of the fireworks from our front porch.  Thomas and Donna were happy to finally be at my house again, and the view was even better than in the past, since there were three less trees in the way.  And after the fireworks a fun little monsoon storm blew through, and we enjoyed that (mostly) from the porch as well.

Oh, and…26,013 is the word count.  So 724 words.  Cool, ne?

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