Not a COMPLETE Waste of Time

I’ve decided this fanfic I’ve lost myself in is not a complete waste of time. In fact, if it weren’t for the plans I’ve made, the desperate need to work on my own stuff–agh.

Anyway. It’s about ten thousand words, published on one of those fanfic sites (no, I won’t say where, I wrote it to fit in where it is, and no one who knows my real name is reading it. 😉 I’ve got some pretty favorable reviews. I have people arguing over whether my German is correct. (controversy!) (One of the bad guys in the show is German.)

The point would be. I’ve posted 10,000 words, I’ve got another 5,000 on reserve. Yes, folks, that is 15,000 words in six days. Imagine what I could do if I were writing something I could sell.

Enough of that. What I am doing, is writing a serious (somewhat), plotted piece on the fly, all in third person with shifting POVs, and damn it, it is coming out well. Since I’ve been trying and trying to put more of my writing in third person, and been struggling with how to do it, this is a good thing. My first book was first person, same with my third and fourth. The second was very tight third, I didn’t go so much as a centimeter from what Donte could see and feel and know. It was also, it seemed for a long time, a fluke. No matter what I tried, writing third person with any other character just did not work.

Until now. Whee!!


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