Like a Black Hole

This is not going well. Like a black hole, my–I don’t even know what to call it. Procrastination? Some, but it’s more I’m choosing to do other things. I don’t stay up late because I’m putting off going to bed–well, not completely. It starts with “I’ll go right after…” but then it progresses to, “it’s 0230 and I really should be in bed. I hate ‘should.'” Or something like that.

Anyway, I’m thoroughly disgusted with myself, and that’s not good, because I know from past experience that only makes my behavior worse. Don’t laugh, now, it’s a war in there. The sensible one is saying, yeah, we haven’t done well, but we can still change that. My inner weasel is criticizing, pointing out we’re halfway through July and haven’t done a damn thing. And there’s a pouty kid in there, playing into the weasel’s hands, not wanting to do any damn thing but eat ice cream and surf the ‘net.

I’m not even going over how yesterday went. The fact that this was posted the morning of the 14th should be explanation enough.

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