
I’m 42 years old and I have a problem. Time just…slips away from me. I’ll sit down at my computer meaning to get some writing done, and hours later there are still no words and I don’t really know why.

When kids come to school late and tell me they overslept but they don’t know what they were doing up so late, I tell them “it must not have been important, then.”

Even when I drag myself to work, one bump can derail me. I’ll get stuck on what I want to say in this paragraph and some part of me thinks “I’ll just have a glimpse at Twitter while I think” only I DON’T think, I see a link on Twitter and I go check it out…

My calendar pop-up “What are you doing?” may come up and save me before long. It pops up every half hour most of the day. But sometimes it distracts me FROM writing, as I have to click on it to make it go away, and then while I’m clicking…

Recently I tried to go in my room to write, but my bed is not so comfy for sitting on. So in desperation I brought my netbook to my desk, and I put my desktop keyboard out of reach, and I wrote on the netbook on my desktop.

That worked TONS better. The netbook has internet, but it’s a tiny little screen and a touchpad. It’s downright annoying to internet on it.

Before I did that, my wordcount for the day was zero. After–2,200 words.

I can write books. I can win NaNo. I know I can. The question always seems to be–will I do it?

At least I know I’m not alone. (referring to the cartoon, not the article, though that is worth a read.)

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