KD Sarge, Writing Slut?

KD Sarge, Writing Slut?

You know how some writers are afraid editors will mess up their work? That’s not me, but there are other writers–or perhaps usually the same writers–who are determined to write what they want in every way. Whatever they want, and whether it’s pretentious codswallop or a non-linear hallucinatory memoir of their time in the Secret Octopus Service, they don’t want to be edited–and they don’t want to be told what to write.

Now, I’m a firm believer in editing. I love my betas and I send them virtual chocolate and hugs often. But the other half of that–yeah. I resemble that remark.

I’m going to write SF, except it won’t be like OTHER people’s SF. The only reason it’s SF is the spaceships. I’m going to write fantasy, but it’s also going to have gay romance in it, and oh, a touch of smut, but it’s not going to end well, so it won’t fit in THAT market… and on, and on.

So I stumbled on this today, looking for something else. It’s from, coincidentally enough, another 750 words (which is how I’m tyiping this, in my 750 words.)

Big note to self–PICK SOMETHING. It won’t be such an issue elsewhere. We COULD write some m/m romances…but then will they follow me when I write whatever I want?

Have you noticed how happy you’ve been writing Lukas and Alan, a contemporary m/m suggested by a prompt and a picture? You’re always worried about writing what you want, but you seem perfectly happy writing most things. So get on it, and write some more audience-appealing books! I can make any book in the Dream’verse about anything else I want, and madly enjoy it. So I shall.

I’m tired. And grumpy. But I’ve got this. Gonna be a good day.

Right. So. Pick something. I’ll do it.

So there’s that. Apparently as long as I’m writing, I’m happy. I’m not saying I’m gonna take requests, now. I still want to write Dream’verse and Fidelis and Hiro and all that stuff. I’m just saying…

Well, maybe I will take some requests. At some point. KD Sarge, writing slut?

It could happen.

2 thoughts on “KD Sarge, Writing Slut?”

  1. I’m with you on this one! I like the ability to write Whatever The Hell I Want (though if and when I get myself published I am going to make people cry, I have an inability to stick to one genre and be happy about it), but sometimes there is nothing better than getting a prompt or request of some sort and knowing before you even begin that at least one person out there in the world is going to be made happy by it.

  2. It seems to be the challenge that I enjoy (though yeah–always nice to know SOMEONE will want to read it). I know when I was trying to get the scene pictured in the prompt right, I had to add a hill for Lukas to be standing on, because in the picture Alan definitely looks taller. XD

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