Ugh! Work is Hard!

Any day now, I ‘m going to get used to this, and I’m going to be able to write and blog and do all the other stuff easily. Any day now. I mean, it’s not like I’m trying for Better Homes And Gardens on my housework, or even Good Housekeeping. I don’t care if there’s a pile of laundry, as long as we all have something left to wear. And paper plates are a perfectly legitimate timesaver.

The munchkin has learned to like playing in Mommy’s office, and she’s getting attention. I do sometimes look away from the monitor, after all. And the ever-increasing menagerie–did I mention we acquired another rat?–is almost to the point of taking care of itself. I mean, three cats, two rats and a bird. 3=3, what’s the problem? And the dog just isn’t that much trouble.

The hubby is less easy to satisfy, but he has a weakness for video games. So as long as I keep the fridge stocked with easy-to-fix and snack foods, he doesn’t complain much.

So how come it’s so hard to get to blogging every day, and why aren’t I getting any writing done? Because I’m totally wiped at work, that’s why! It’s insane! I have stacks and stacks of registration forms to deal with–935, to be exact, and every time I start processing them, someone comes in to register their child. Or a student needs me to print him a schedule, he lost his. Or one of the teachers needs just one child’s registration form, and I’m the only one with a clue where it might be, so I have to dive into the piles instead of clearing them.

And when I do get home and on my computer, what do I do? More work! Typing up attendance procedures, building a form to help me track which teachers are turning in attendance, or just playing solitaire mindlessly while I try to free-associate my way to where I put that one registration packet I can’t find. Which, of course, everyone wants.

Oh well. I want a few things I can’t have, too.

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