Time to Go

All right.  Time for a new plan.

I’ve mentioned where I run into trouble before.  Writing along happily when suddenly a plot issue whacks me between the eyes and I’m staggering and stumped both.  I HATE when that happens!

After repeated analyses, I have determined this is what happens when I jump into a book without a plan.  (feels like jumping without a parachute…)

So I have, I hope, taken steps to prevent repeating that process.  I’m getting ready to work on Flame.  I have, per Holly Lisle’s advice, drawn a map.  (okay, I snagged a drawing of Southeast Asia, cut, pasted, painted and fiddled, and now I have a map.)  I created a language for her.  I made notecards to plan out scenes.

Let’s see if I get stuck in the middle THIS time!!

As soon as I get started.  Tomorrow.  Tonight I must sleep.  *sigh*

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