Snap, Snarl, Growl

Every computer I came near today hated me.  Can you possibly imagine how much fun that was?

Let me put it this way.  I do attendance for 800+ kids.  On the computer.  There’s just no way to get it done without the computer.

I enroll kids.  In the computer.  Otherwise the district can’t track our kids and everything gets messed up.

I find kids when parents want to pick them up.  On the computer.  There is no other way to find one kid in 800+.  As soon as we print out their schedules things change and most of 800+ pages is obsolete.

I update contact info.  On the computer.  Where else?

I withdraw kids.  Can you guess what I use to do that?

I file.  I do NOT need the computer to do that, but I had to keep answering my phone and email to tell people I wanted to help them, I just couldn’t.  So I couldn’t file either.  I told my office manager I wanted to just go home.  She said no.  Someone had to tell everyone that I couldn’t do my job.  Might as well be me.

I hate her logic.

And then when it was finally my time, at home, just me and my muses…my computer didn’t want to work either.   *headdesk*

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