
It turns up in the oddest places.

I think I mentioned running into the point where I needed a scene to fill out my ms and I couldn’t get it to work.  I didn’t see what was so hard!  I had decided since they were on a ‘hostile’ planet, something at some point should attack them.  Seems logical, right?  And it would be doing at least double duty, since I felt I could use a little more emotional development there.  (I think I mentioned that too.)  So.  I wanted them attacked by something, Taro in a fight, Rafe terrified but able to do something when it counted…and I just couldn’t do it.  Wouldn’t work, wouldn’t go, no way, no how.  I gave up and went around it.

Again and again I came back to it, got nowhere, and gave up again.

Tonight I took Hope to Bookman’s, since she’d read all of the Black Cauldron and needed the next book.  (note the priorities here–I won’t make an evening run to the grocery store for milk, but…)  At the store I ran into a former student, her mom and little sister.  (sidetracked into raving about awesome wonderful sweet people)  The way it came about, though, Hope didn’t get to meet the little sister.  And I thought later that was a shame, she would have really liked R.

Then I thought they probably would have gotten into trouble.  Hope we all know is Miss Mischeif, and there’s a certain sparkle in R’s eye that tells me she’s not the angel she seems.  So I didn’t go see if they were still around, I just got a couple things (you knew that, right?) got Hope’s book, and we left.

Driving home, the right way to write that scene hit me.  I started laughing so hard I had to pull over.

No, I won’t tell you.  You’ll just have to read it.

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