Juvenile Pranks

I love writing. I do. You can get away with so much, that you just can’t manage in real life.

I haven’t decorated with toilet paper since I was 18. I’ve outgrown it–or rather, I pretend I’ve outgrown it. It’s not a hobby you can admit, and it makes a heck of a mess if you don’t deal with it quickly, and–well, I don’t do it anymore. Enough said.

My ex-Marine, on the other hand, I wrote doing exactly that tonight. As well as a few other harmless but annoying pranks. Even sober, serious Doctor Mark joined in. And it all makes perfect sense, and neither of them was drunk.

It was so much fun, writing them sneaking around the house at 2 a.m., playing practical jokes on the people who’ve been driving Eve nuts, treating her like dirt for four days. I had to think a while before I came up with the other pranks. I’m a TP girl. If you can’t find something to TP, you aren’t trying hard enough. But I did it. A nicely-rounded set of pranks, even tailored to the personalities of those being tweaked. Damn I’m good.

I had to let her do something. Eve is used to beating respect into people when necessary. But even she won’t beat up her lover’s sisters.

Anyone who grew up with siblings knows, it wasn’t hard for Eve to convince Mark to join in. (Love you, D and J!)

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