
It’s nine o’clock, do you know where your friends are?

How about your words?

I’m trying to write.  Honest.  On Eve, no less.  But nothing’s coming out.  I’d turn to a fanfic if I could think of anything, but nothing’s happening there, either.  B in Ohio fell asleep at her desk, gave up and went to bed.  My Weiss group is quiet.  BJ went to bed.  Hope is in bed.  It’s just me and Tamahome. (my computer)

And it’s driving me nuts.  You’ve probably read of me wishing for peace and quiet before.  Well, I’m explaining this isn’t the quiet I meant.  I want quiet so I can hear the voices in my head.  When THEY aren’t talking–I’m lonely.  Hideously, horribly lonely.

To hell with it.  I’m going to go watch some anime.

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