
Moving the office into the main room, the TV out of sight.  It’s the way it probably always should have been.  I sure hope this works…

Of course it’s just another way to avoid writing.  But hopefully I’ll also accomplish a positive change.  Since Hope will no longer be allowed to eat in front of the TV (making this change is much easier if the TV is in here, since this room has always been off-limits for food), that should make for good things in many ways.  And with me out there, where I can maybe let her out since I’ll be able to watch from the window, and where I can see if she’s snagging an entire block of cheese to nibble on because she didn’t want dinner and didn’t want to eat leftovers an hour later…

NOT looking forward to moving my desk, though.  It’s most of the way cleared off, but it’s still heavy as hell.

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