Brain Deader

Not yet recovered. A few more tips.

If registration is 8-11 am, don’t show up at 11:30. It’s lovely your dog was having puppies, congratulations, but the people you need to see are now scattered to the four winds, and will not be collected again until Tuesday morning at 8.

Yes, I said Tuesday. Two days before school starts. No, we won’t have a schedule ready then, your child will have to pick it up the first day of school. Yes, that is cutting it a little close. That’s why we had registration this morning.

If registration is over at 11 am, and the office closes at 4 pm, do not call at 3:55 and ask us to stay because you just got back from Disneyland and you’ll be in San Diego next Tuesday. Just–don’t do this.

Yes, 4 pm is early, but we open at 7:30, so it seems fair to us. No, we aren’t open on Saturdays. Sundays either. And if the sign on the door says registration is closed, registration is closed, and we will not take the paperwork you’ve had under the bird cage meaning to bring to us for a month and a half. The next registration is–I already said that.

If your child does not live in our attendance area, she cannot attend without special permission from the district. Yes, that means more paperwork, and no, there’s no guarantee it will be granted. If she lives with your brother, who lives in our attendance area, that’s fine–if he has legal custody, and can prove it. No, a handwritten note won’t do it. Legal custody can only be granted by a judge. If it’s that important to you.

I’m sorry, I no longer have the capacity to care that your alarm clock exploded, your car was making a funny noise, your front door wouldn’t open, or there was a circus parade tying up traffic. The next registration is–wait, I said that.

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