Written Torture

Well, I did it. I tortured my character, for three horrible pages. I hate every word of it. But it’s right. When I look at the people in my book, at who they really are, I can’t believe I didn’t realize it before. What happened to him had to happen, unless I want to put different people in my book.

I think I realized before, but I skipped it. I like the kid, I didn’t want to do that to him. So I came up with a reason it didn’t happen. But that reason was bogus, and eventually I had to admit it.

It upset me, writing it. So I told my hubby, venting my feelings, and generally mourning like it was a real person, who I knew and loved. (Like? I do know the kid, and I’m so sorry it had to happen!) And what did hubby say? Can anyone guess?

“Well, if you don’t like it, why did you write it that way?” ARGH!

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