Holding Up!

If you’ve been around me lately, I’ve probably got flail and panic all over you. I’m sorry. I’m trying to do better.

This is my first book. Yes, I’m self-publishing, but that just means I need to be more on top of things. I have no pros in my corner; it’s just me and my fantastically helpful and brilliant but still-have-their-own-lives friends.

My book will be out there with those of the big boys, and it’s got to stand up. I believe in this book, in this series, in my ability to entertain and enrich readers.

Now, in the words of lots of people over the years, it’s time to put my money where my mouth is. If Taro’s so tough, let’s see him take on the universe—or at least Planet Earth.

I know Taro can do this—if, like Rafe when a fight breaks out, I can just get the hell out of Taro’s way. Not screw him up. Not trip him up. So:

  1. Cover.
  2. Interior.
  3. My website.
  4. Turtleduck website.
  5. Marketing.
  6. Get the hell out of the way.

I’ll just be over here in the corner having the vapors.

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