Why is This Such a Big Deal?

I’m going to get on my soapbox, just for a little while. This was taken from a report on CNN.com, about a rift in the Anglican Communion, which I know very little about, but I’m going to comment anyway. Because it’s another group sticking their nose into what really shouldn’t matter to anyone but those directly involved.

The primates’ communique reaffirmed a resolution adopted by all Anglican bishops in 1998 which declared that gay practices were “incompatible with Scripture” and opposed gay ordinations and same-sex blessings.

Uhh–guys? Women with their heads uncovered in church is also “incompatible with Scripture,” last time I looked. I don’t see many all that worried about that descent into moral depravity. (It’s in one of Paul’s letters. Look it up. As I remember, it’s in the same book where homosexuality is condemned.)

I have a terrific idea you’re going to hate, because it would lead to you actually being asked to live your faith. Instead of going to your wonderful and probably expensive conventions to pass judgment on others. (Remember what Jesus said about judging? Think about it.)

I’m paraphrasing, but I really don’t think I’ve changed the meaning. Jesus said love God above everything, and love your neighbor as yourself. Keep these two commandments, and you have done what you need to do.

Poking my nose into who my neighbor chooses to MARRY (not just fool around with, though that’s between him and God too) is not loving my neighbor. Glorifying hate–or even just segregation, though that’s still hate, isn’t it?–does not glorify God.

‘Nuff said. Boys, why don’t you go find a hungry child to feed? Maybe a sick man to take to the doctor, and the pharmacy after, on your big fat credit card?

If you’re so lucky to live in a place you can’t find anyone who needs help, take your little airplane trip down here. I can show you some kids who could really use an afternoon with your wallet, even if you can’t manage to give them your love.

If you can’t manage love, what kind of a Christian are you? Not judging, you understand. Just asking.

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