Spoke Too Soon?

Though I spent hours staring at it tonight, I didn’t write a word on the new attempted manuscript. (Okay, it probably wasn’t hours. I kept wandering off. Rafe and Taro is a really great story, very fun to read when I should be doing something…)

Anyway. I did manage to make one change that should work. Doctor Mark Gawlownskey (don’t ask) has finally become–I think–Doctor Benjamin Alexander. After knowing him for more than ten years as Mark, this has been difficult for me. I came up with several names before this one, and all of them I couldn’t decide if it was the name I hated, or the fact that it wasn’t Mark anymore. Thank God for a more objective, very patient individual. (BJ, thank you yet again! And thank you, Babynamesworld.com. 11,000 names, you can sort by origin, I highly recommend it.)

So. Doctor Benjamin Allen Alexander. Ben to his friends. Benjy to his know-it-all big sister. Doc, as always, to Eve. Onward!

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