Dealing With Sharp Objects

Sometimes I need a machete, sometimes a scalpel. Sometimes–gasp!–I’m grafting something in, but not that often. The good stuff is there, I just need to hack away the crap created by not having a clue where I was going, so people can find the good stuff. I started this edit with 198,969 words. (God help me, it was 242 thousand and something the first time I finished it!!) Already, without going very far, I have cut nearly five thousand words. That’s more than fifteen pages. Geez. Kind of makes me sick to my stomach, but I remind myself I wrote it almost ten years ago, and I’ve learned a LOT since then. So. Word count beginning now, is 194,179. Let’s watch that number fall!

For years fellow writers have been telling me I needed an outline, and I’ve resisted. When I did try to outline, it killed my story every time. Now, finally, I seem to have found my way. It’s all in my head. 😉

Which makes my head a very crowded place. Eve and Mark, Donte and Selene, Taro and Rafe, they’re all hanging out in there, and more besides, and man, it is one hell of a party. Pretty damn annoying I have to be out here working. Sigh.

Anyone thinking of calling the boys in white coats, remember–then you get the munchkin. And there ain’t a one of you can keep up with her. 😉 again.


Is it me, or did this blog wander a lot? I must need more coffee. Yuban is my friend!

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