I Must be a Sick Puppy

I don’t know why I’m like this, so don’t ask. But I just need to torture my characters! Please note, not want, I need to torture them. I’m not that sick.

Case in point–Donte, main character in the next book. Orphan, street-wise con-man in-the-making, some confidence, lots of bravado, quick brain and a quick mouth. I like him, but I can’t write him. But, oh, wait–I had him kidnaped by slavers in the first book. Now what if I get over my squeamishness, and get around the fact that slave-owners do their own torturing by making the kidnaping revenge on my ex-Marine, instead of an experiment to see what she’ll do?

Sorry, Donte. But now I have something to work with! I know the scars will never heal completely, but I promise, I’ll make you whole. Trust me, kid. I got you.

Yes, he is real to me. If he weren’t, no one would want to read my writing.

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