Must've Been Monday

I keep a copy of my manuscript on the hard drive at work, just in case. This morning I e-mailed it as usual–and it never got there. I spent the whole day wondering how I’d flubbed it up, a simple matter of clicking on the right name, attaching the right thing, and sending–and where the hell my manuscript had gone. Got home and checked my Sent Items. I’d sent it to work.

It still isn’t there. Oh well. As long as it isn’t anywhere else, I’m not going to worry about it.

42,430 is the word count, before I start working tonight. Taro and Rafe are only getting more tangled up, poor guys. The munchkin is having a horrible night, at the end of a horrible day. (She’s in bed and it’s not even seven, that should give you a hint.)

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