I Didn’t Nap Today

I Didn't Nap Today

That may not seem like much to you, but to me it’s one hell of an accomplishment. And a sign I may be getting my life back from work, far earlier than I’ve managed it in years.

Which is a good thing, as I have so very much to do.

In other news–wait, is there other news? *consults the oracle*

Umm…Adam Lambert is awesome. For Dummies books are incredibly useful. My brother won’t tell me what host my blog is on. (Did you get my email, big brother?)

I am eating better than I have in years, but my scale refuses to acknowledge this.

Two days running, one of our buses has broken down, and though I stayed at work a little late to get some stuff done, I instead spent an hour or more answering the phone to tell terrified parents their children were fine. Also to take abuse for not making the buses run properly, apparently.

In other other news, Johnny Weir is amazing, and this is only one example.

4 thoughts on “I Didn’t Nap Today”

  1. Did you not already know that Johnny Weir is amazing, flawless, stunning, etc? /joke that you won’t get

  2. “amazing, flawless, stunning, etc.” is a phrase from ontd_skating, a community on Livejournal which is dedicated to fangirling and occasionally making fun of Olympic skaters.

    Not so much a funny ha-ha joke, but more of an insider-joke?

    1. ahh, okay. I was about ready to stab me some commentators with a spork as I skipped about YouTube watching him. Apparently his technique wasn’t always on a par with his talent, but seriously–how many times does he have to win before they STOP BEING ASTONISHED HE’S GOOD? And the VERY next man who commented sneeringly on his costume… *STAB*

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