Thirty -Three E-Mails Later…

Okay, this one goes under both themes, writing and web-rookie. Know what happens when you send more than one file attached to an e-mail? I found out yesterday.

What happens, if you’re sending them to an older computer, is you get to send them again, one at a time. At least, if you’re me. Because when I send more than one, my computer compresses them, creating a zip file. And my friend with the 5-year-old E-machine, and my grandfather with his WebTV, can’t unzip the zip. So I sent the rest of my book, thirty chapters, in thirty e-mails. And I forwarded one picture of each of my brother’s children to my grandfather. BJ was able to open the files sent one at a time. Haven’t heard from my grandfather yet.

So now, of course, I’m on pins and needles because BJ is the first person in years, and the fourth ever, to have my entire book. And she’s only the second writer to have it. And she had to go to work today, I don’t even know if she got every chapter or if I screwed up and missed one. And I’ll have to wait days still, to hear if she thinks I maintained the story, ended well, etcetera.

I wouldn’t care so much if I didn’t respect her opinion and writing so much. And I wouldn’t be having so much trouble typing if I didn’t have a cockatiel perched on my hand. Why did I want a bird again? I have cats, for God’s sake!

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed. For BJ to like it, and for me to stay sane until she has the chance to read it.

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