
Back to school shopping yesterday. The kid got clothes, shoes, curling iron (yes, she’s becoming A GIRL) (Boys, be aware–she knows karate. And my daddy taught me to shoot when I was ten. Yes, guns. I won’t hunt for sport, but I love shooting.)

Ahem. Not really comfortable with this girl-thing of hers yet. >_>

Anyway! Clothes, shoes, curling iron, backpack, lunchbox, socks, underthings–I think we got everything she needs.

As for me–

Oh yeah. I got what I need.

5 thoughts on “Supplies!”

  1. Even though those aren’t the kinds of notebooks I like, I am drooling over them. 😆

    And becoming a GIRL is a strange thing. After years of not caring, I started becoming one last year, and it’s weird. 😯 Hopefully you won’t have to shoot anybody, though. I’d miss you and your army of bishies, fish, and squid if you were in jail. 😉

    1. @Dusty hee, that should add some excitement to the things I’ll write in them!

      @WD –I know. Notebooks are like that. XD

      Also, don’t worry. The squid have contingency plans for the event of my jailing, or alien abduction, or whatever. They will lead the bishies and fish to my rescue. Squid are very resourceful. ??:=>

  2. …I think I have to go and buy me some notebooks. Even though I don’t use them that much and have several unused ones at home. 😛

    1. I still had five from last year. A dangerously thin margin of safety, if you ask me. So I bought fifteen more.

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