An Elaborate Complaint

I’m a Pisces. I may not practice astrology, but I’m aware of the theory, and I can tell you–I am so a Pisces. A book I was reading recently¹ started the explanations of the signs with a lightbulb joke to illuminate (hee hee) the personalities of the signs.

How many Aries does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

  • One, and you’d better get the hell out of the way!

How many Pisces does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

  • …the light went out?

Despite how that may sound, Pisces aren’t idiots; we’re just distracted. We have a lot on our minds. )( is the symbol for Pisces (ably represented here by two parentheses and a strike-out). Two fish, linked together, swimming in opposite directions. As you might imagine, being the complete opposite of ourselves takes a lot of time and attention. For instance:

I’m an optimist. I believe that people are basically good, that our leaders ran for office to serve and care about the people they represent, that climate change can be stopped, that corporations are made of people (see “people are basically good” ), that putting extra tomato on my Whopper with Cheese makes it better for me.

I’m also a pessimist. I believe that people will screw you if you let them, that our election process is roughly comparable to a buy-the-title beauty pageant and has the same worth for choosing leaders, that we have fucked our one and only planet big time and it’s corporations that did most of it (corporations run by people who are utterly insulated from the consequences of their actions; see “screw you if you let them”), and that my Whopper with Cheese doesn’t matter a damn, we’re all going to die.

I’m a Christian; I believe in love and truth embodied in Jesus who died for us. I’m a Bokononist–I believe that all religion is comforting lies. Sometimes I’m a nihilist. And I’m pretty much always a scientist. (Have you read the theories that “reality” is just a projection? coooooooll–especially when it’s astrophysicists talking, not philosophers.)

Pisces do well in the arts, supposedly, because of intuition and understanding. I’d like to think so, but I’ll tell you what else helps with my writing–I have a huge curiosity about everything. Theoretical physics. The foundations of language. The city of Prague. Ghosts. Magic. Dark matter. LOLcats. Brainwaves. Chemistry (especially demolitions. >_> ) Gadgets. Astronomy. Astrology. World music. Megaliths. Squid. (Did you see where the found a squid with a hard-on? No, really! It’s not porn, it’s science!) Drawing. Dinosaurs. Cryptography. Folklore. History. Maps. Medicine. Monsters.

The problem with all this? It takes time. Time when I could be writing, or worse, should be working. Exercising. Cooking.

So yeah. All that for my at-least-quarterly cry of “I need more time!” Because, really–I do.


¹ The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology

4 thoughts on “An Elaborate Complaint”

  1. That sounds about right, though I personally think that part of it is that we can’t follow a train of thought to completion. We’re not the Cardinal Air sign for nothing.

    1. Hee…I was trying to be kind. The kid and Rafe both are Libras–I do know about the distraction thing! :mrgreen:

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