Must Write Faster

James Scott Bell (Plot and Structure, Editing and Revision, and the Art of War for Writers which I must get my hands on soon) just gave me permission to project-hop.

I wonder if it’ll work. I’ve always figured that urge to bounce to the next project was my muses being lazy and tossing out distractions. But apparently that’s how Isaac Asimov was so prolific–when he got stuck on one thing, he went to the next. The key here is surely being circular–eventually I must come back to things–but I don’t think that will be a problem. Though I try not to, I have been doing this for a while. What else is my end-of-book stall? And yet I get things done.

So I know I can do it. The question is, will it work? Will it let me write as fast and as much as my muses are always capering to do? Will I finally be able to keep up? Will I catch those grand new vistas I always miss, plodding slowly behind, gathering the scraps they drop?

Yeah, I think we know the answer to all that. But I’m still going to try it, and see if it makes me move even a little bit faster. What else can I do? There’s just so much to write.

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