Parents are Insane, Redux

Okay, so I am a parent.  But I don’t think I’ve quite lost it yet.  If my kid threw a pencil at the teacher and hit him in the eye–I sure wouldn’t be complaining that she got suspended.  It would just give me more time to make her life a living hell.

And, hello?  If your kid gives another kid a pill and says “this will give you energy…”  Yeah.  Probably wasn’t a bright move, and probably will result in suspension.  Kids can’t give each other acetominophen anymore, didn’t you know? 

Personal Rant: Maybe a lot of what’s wrong with society could be changed if kids were held accountable.  Let’s teach them at thirteen–or better yet, eight–that things they do can get them in major trouble.  Trouble that won’t be forgotten until they’re eighteen.  Trouble that can last a lot longer than that.  Trouble that can blight their entire lives.

If you charge down to the school to yell at the staff because your kid is a “good kid” and this was “minor,” guess what?  They’ll be expecting you to show up at the courthouse and yell at the judge.  Were you planning on doing that?

That’s what I thought.


Grow up, people.  Maybe then your kids will. 

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