
Maybe I’ve finally figured something out.

Maybe I should have figured it out a lot sooner.  It seems I don’t like to think about plot.  Characters, yes, scenes, fine, emotion and tension and conflict, good, okay, definitely–but plot?  I’ll make it up as I go along.

One might guess this is not an efficient way to write a book.  I do far more floundering than I need to (honestly, how much floundering does anyone need?) and when I run into a wall (as in, what happens next?) I stop and don’t get back to the story for a long time.  Or in the case of the first book, I just throw something in for kicks and giggles, and end up with a meandering behemoth that no one would ever buy, let alone struggle through.

Maybe that’s why my fanfics seem to develop plot effortlessly.  The characters, setting, backstory, emotions–all of that is already there.  Plot is ALL I have to come up with.  Oh, and new and exciting ways to write citrus (you remember what that is, right?) for readers who read a LOT of sex scenes.

Apparently I’m very good at that.

But, unfortunately–not what I can get paid for.  So.  Back to work again.  I don’t even know why I’m talking about plotting.  I’m editing Taro, and the plot is already there.

Maybe I should add in some sex…

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