I Am Getting Paid

Sort of.  But that’s okay–I only “sort of” went back to work today.  I spent three hours there, but I really didn’t accomplish much.

I find it very interesting that HR and Payroll and everybody else at the district will tell you all day long not to work extra hours unless you’re getting paid for it, blah, blah, blah–but the way they have it set up, there are things that cannot be done properly unless some of us go to work when we’re not getting paid.  Sending out report cards, for instance.  Parents are supposed to get them during Christmas break.  Now considering that the last day the office staff is paid to be there, is the day the teachers are verifying the grades are correct, and so report cards can’t be printed until that is done by every single teacher–do they really think we’re printing out, folding, and stuffing into envelopes 840 report cards in two hours?

And dropping kids.  I can’t drop them until the grades are done, or teachers won’t be able to give them grades.  But they have to be dropped before the second semester schedules are printed out.  So in that two hours when I’m supposedly helping stuff over 800 envelopes, I’m also supposed to drop some twenty kids?

Like the munchkin would say–whatever.  But just try asking them to pay you for that extra time…

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