The Power of Mornings

I’m almost afraid to say anything lest I break the spell, but look! I’m blogging in the morning. Before work. That’s because I’ve finally (knock on wood) got the habit of getting up before I absolutely positively must get up to get out the door anywhere close to on time (usually late.)

The change actually came about last semester, when my car wasn’t running. My dear and marvelous friend would pick me up about 7:25 each day, when I had been getting out of bed then. Well, when someone incredibly kind is giving you a ride 10-15 times a week (yes, counting each trip) you don’t make them wait! So I got in the habit of getting up a bit earlier. And I still kept making her wait, so I moved it a little earlier yet.

And you know what? I really like having time to drink a cup of coffee in peace, and catch up on my email before I go to work.

For the record, I am not becoming a morning person just because I recognize the value of that part of the day. Cut me loose, such as over a two-week vacation, and I will quickly turn my schedule so that I’m up till at least 2 a.m. Often later.

My friends in Malaysia and Australia tell me I live on the wrong side of the world.

2 thoughts on “The Power of Mornings”

  1. “My friends in Malaysia and Australia tell me I live on the wrong side of the world.”

    Most definitely. We really need to correct that soon.

    But, I like that part of the day, too. I think it’s just the me-time about it. Like you, though, too bad we aren’t naturally morning people 😛

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