Have a Sampling

Editing is a very difficult practice. It’s like when you’re riding, and you put your horse to a jump they don’t want to do. That horse is going to try to veer off, and it takes a strong rider to convince a horse to go where she wants rather than where the horse wants.

Muses, who are not subject to bridles and think bits are for other people (and let’s just forget any possibility of controlling them with heels and thighs, shall we?) are like that. They don’t want to go that way, and they will find ways to divert the whole trail ride.

So, uh…have some cool links?

There’s nothing like not-yet understood new science for your gift-giving needs!

How much sugar in a Pepsi? Hint: you don’t want to know. (I’m a Coke drinker, but I know that’s no better. This is just the soda I came upon.)

Thorium rules. Uranium drools.

Because unintended consequences of far greater complexity than anticipated are exactly what you want to happen in a lab working on life-capable chemicals.”

Also, last chapter of Shades is up. And I stopped editing at the end of page twenty-seven. Not long after that we were discussing stalking herds of free-range cookies through tall grass, so you know why I had to stop.

7 thoughts on “Have a Sampling”

    1. When you do, by Lork, don’t tell anyone. (Except me, of course.) The population will have to be carefully managed so we don’t wipe out any delicious species…

  1. Pepsi!!!!! Did I mention Throwback came out early? Also, how is Hope liking Carol? I have lots of cute pics of the “kids” from Christmas to post but I need to either find something that will read a memory pro duo stick or find the software for the camera.

    1. Hope loves Carol. Case in point–I can’t get her to brush her OWN hair, but she asked me today for pretty things to put in Carol’s hair.

  2. Hah. I think that means I win. Also, I would totally use that as leverage.

    “If you brush your hair regularly for X amount of time …”

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