The Making of a Humbug

So many of my friends are so stressed right now, and I’m not sympathetic at all. I mean, I am, but I really wish I could convince them to stop it.

If someone really want to go all out for Christmas, I say go for it. But if it’s making people miserable, stressing them out fretting over cards and gifts and decorations and it’s all got to be done a certain way by a certain date–man, I call shenanigans.

Who are you doing it for?  Is there someone on your card list who will stop caring for you if they don’t get a card before Christmas? Are you buying gifts for loved ones, or buying love?

Jesus is, as so many would remind, the reason for the season. (I am only talking about Christmas as I don’t know anyone stressing about Hannukah or Kwanzaa. I suspect, however, that my argument would apply.) Stop letting the pressures of advertising and Made for TV Movies make you worry about all that other crap.

It’s about love, people. The rest of it is optional.

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