It’s About Damn Time

Oh, look, once again, America the Free is behind the times.

By December 21st, gays will be able to–well, the UK stopped just short of saying they could marry, looks like.  But they can form recognized partnerships.  George Michaels is getting ‘married’ (that’s how they’re getting around it not quite being a wedding…) to his partner of ten years.  So is Elton John, after being with his partner 12 years.  So is a couple that have been together forty years.  Oh yeah, THOSE guys are a danger to the sanctity of marriage, all right.

Of course, not everyone is happy about it.  “If you transport something unique, like marriage, into a different context, there’s always a cost. And the cost here is in terms of reduction of marriage and the undermining of it,” Don Horrocks of the Evangelical Alliance said.

Too true.  I mean, if you let gay men marry other men, they won’t marry women.  And that’s just horrible, because what could be happier than a marriage based on a lie?

Get over it, people.  Go campaign against hunger.  Poverty.  Prejudice.

I said AGAINST prejudice.

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