Blogging NaNo

Apparently I’m blogging my NaNo. I hadn’t been able to come to a decision, but I asked friends to talk me out of it and I’ve met every argument, so…

Yeah. This should be interesting. :mrgreen:

Here’s my reasoning–no one is going to bother stealing the incredibly rough first draft of the middle book of a trilogy. It’s not published if hardly anyone sees it (alas, for my vanity and visitor count!). At the very most, I’m going to find a readership who will be ready to support the whole thing. At the least…crickets chirp. For a month.

So I’m going to do it.

In other news, the ending I had planned has apparently been replaced by plotty smut. Yay!


5 thoughts on “Blogging NaNo”

  1. Notice how I carefully didn’t try to talk you out of it? Bad friend or rabid fan? You decide. 😉

    Yayay for Smut by KD[TM]!

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