So I'm Late

I’m late blogging, I know. It’s BJ’s fault. We were IMing and she mentioned (again, we’ve talked about it before) getting the main characters of our current projects together. Those two young men would be very good for each other. And very bad for those around them, quite possibly.

She sparked me. She does that. And we were off, writing back and forth, bouncing ideas–it’s a page and a half, with another three pages of notes now. And we’re both trying NOT to work on it, since we both have serious, for-publication works in progress going…

The original idea was it would be a dream, since her character is 19 in 1985, and mine in–well, I don’t really know. Call it the future, some year ending in ’35. And a Christmas fantasy, just ’cause it’s that time of year.

But it’s growing into a Christmas novel. Only because I challenged her on how they would get to be friends in the first place, we somehow started when they first met, in September. Both are in college, so it’s only natural to make them roomies, right?

It’s irresistible. Those two together are mischief waiting to happen. All we have to do is sit back and watch, and type what we see. And we’re just having too much fun, doing exactly that.

So while I did get some work done on the “real thing,” it wasn’t much. And I forgot to run the word count before starting this morning. My head was too full of bits and pieces of the other thing.


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