Typing Flame

Writing just isn’t happening lately, you may have noticed the lack of a word count.  Well, I have one tonight–sort of.

2958.  That’s how many words of a manuscript I typed into this computer, since I wasn’t writing.  If I could find my document holder, it would probably be higher.  Oh well.  That’s one of my fantasy stories, the main character is an elf named Flame.  When you know it’s a name she gave herself, and that my elves have a general dislike for fire…well, that tells you a bit.  I love Flame.  She’s a self-serving sarcastic bitch who’s damn good at what she does.

I’m at that point in unpacking where there’s not much left, and I don’t really know or care where what IS left packed goes.  So I leave it and do other things.  I wanna write!!  But my guys seem to have gotten lost in the boxes somewhere.  If it weren’t my busiest time of work-year anyway, I’d be flipping out at the lack, let me tell you.  As it is, I just…type.  Yeah.  Been meaning to get the viable old stories in the computer for ages anyway, now is as good a time as any!

Oh, yeah–and I’m napping every night when I get home from work, just to be conscious the rest of the night.  Can’t wait till things calm down a bit…

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