
Schu is evil. Oh, wait, I said that, didn’t I? *snicker*

I’m blogging the next morning again, but I’ll set the date to Friday, ’cause this will (mostly) be about Friday. Though I do want to say it seems like someone’s got a nasty sense of humor. I’m a night owl, (isn’t that redundant? C’est la vie.) always have been. When I was a kid I used to get in trouble for reading late into the night, and for having to be dragged out of bed. Give me half a chance (ie, a weekend) and I’ll turn my schedule upside down, and spend the first three days of the week trying to get back to being conscious before ten.

So why am I blogging before 8 on a Saturday, make-up blog or not? Because that someone with a sense of humor gave me a child, that’s why. Not just any child, a will-only-get-up-early-on-days-off child, a child who thinks no day off should be without the joyous experience of jumping on Mommy at Oh God It’s Too Early.

*SIGH* For the record, I shut the computer down at 0116, when I finished the next chapter of the fanfic. (Fic #1 is at over 4800 viewings, *GRIN*) Hope jumped on me at 0711. Words cannot express.

Okay, yesterday. No, I did not get the manuscript sent yesterday, and I’m pretty damned annoyed about it. What I got yesterday was an email from the district, saying that the computer submission we do of our data to the state, had been moved from next Wednesday to Monday. So we needed to get ready.

Now this is the stuff I said I knew how to do, I didn’t need to go to an in-service for it. And I do, and I didn’t. It’s easy. But it’s also time-consuming, and it was low priority. I was nibbling at it, since I happen to feel registering this kid whose parents finally decided to show up a week and a half into school, is much more important than inputting the last schools of all these dang kids, when the information is already in the computer anyway, just not where the…people…downtown wanted it. Well excuse me, why does it have to be such a pain to do it your way?

Anyway. Six pages. Six pages, one line per child, of corrections that had to be made by 0800 Monday morning and damned if I’m coming in on a Saturday. And four kids registering and four withdrawing (yes, two weeks into school!) and attendance for 870 kids and lots of teachers doing attendance by hand because they can’t handle them new-fangled computer thingys (I don’t know. Don’t they introduce you to computers in college or something?) (them doing it by hand means I have to put it in the new-fangled computer thingy–time-consuming, when I have no time to spare!)

Well. Someone delivered a plate of Chinese from some party or meeting or something that I was supposed to attend but wasn’t able to, and I barely left my desk for over ten hours. Grrrrrrrrr.

By the way, if you’re ever checking your child out of a school of nearly 900 kids, when the staff member asks for your ID, do not reply, “I’m his mother, I don’t have to show you my ID.” You do, and you’re not getting the kid till you do. I know which of the 50+ classrooms he’s in, you don’t.

And don’t tell me, “You know who I am. You registered me last week.” Stop and think for a second, and you’ll realize how stupid it was to say that.

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