
So how goes the Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM?

Bleh. I haven’t edited anything. I write, maybe a thousand words on Fidelis, maybe 300, maybe none, and I swim. That’s about all I’ve done.

I blame the swimming, mostly. Since I was off work I have been swimming for an hour nearly every day. This, as you may guess, is exhausting. It’s also very important. I am nowhere near a healthy weight, and swimming is the only exercise I enjoy. And I just can’t maintain an exercise program I don’t enjoy. What do you think I’ve been trying to do for years?

But today that’s going to change. I’m finally getting enough energy back to notice that I’m not doing the things I wanted to do. I’m used to this feeling from my return to work–generally after a summer off, I go back and all I can do for the first month is work and sleep. Then comes a day when I’m used to it again, and other things start to be possible.

So. Starting today. A scaled back version of Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM. And I forget what I said, but I’m starting with Joss. Taro has now been rejected twenty-four times and (though two partials are still out) I need to have something else ready to send.

After I do my morning pages. At…three-thirty in the afternoon. *shifty eyes*

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