Yes. That.

“More and more as I am here and see what life really is, I understand that it is not when or how you die but how and if you truly were ever alive.” Dr. Jerri Nielson Fitzgerald

I want to travel. I want to see the world. Eat Japanese food with Japanese people, see the incredible beauty of Siberia, explore the vistas of Alaska. I want to learn snorkeling off Hawaii, and sailing in Bermuda. (I make no guarantees at being good at either.) I want to go whitewater rafting. I want to go spelunking. I want to wander Europe, possibly for years. I want to explore the Outback, and whatever they call what’s not Outback. I want to see whales and flying sharks (from a BIG BOAT) and I want to watch the moon rise over the pyramids. I want to wander Chichen Itza and Machu Picchu, Jerusalem and Prague.

But more than all of that, I want to write.

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live.” Norman Cousins

With all of that, I want to write. I don’t care to be rich (luckily–even successful writers generally are not.) I just want to make enough. See the world, and write wherever I am. There are worlds inside me, and I want to explore them too.

I’ll have to wait to travel. Maybe I’ll never get there at all. But it is a joyous and brilliant thing that I do not have to wait and hope for the chance, the time, to write.

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