
This world can be really depressing, you know?

A woman came to register her thirteen-year-old daughter for school today. School started two weeks ago. While I looked over the paperwork, she and her oldest daughter discussed the relative values of prescription painkillers. When I informed the woman that she did not live in an area where a school bus route existed, she told me it’s too far for her daughter to walk. She might be pregnant, you see.

A man came to tell me that his son, whom his ex-wife registered a week ago, is not, in fact, homeless. The boy lives with him. Mom had registered him under a law to help get homeless kids into school, and had told me they lived in a shelter. A shelter for abused women and children. She completely left Dad off the paperwork–perfectly natural, if what she’d claimed was true. But it wasn’t. She just wanted to hurt Dad.

The woman of the last blog, who claimed not to know she was supposed to excuse her daughter’s absence, called today to excuse her daughter’s absence–it seems the twelve-year-old girl owns not a single piece of clothing that doesn’t break our dress code, (too short, cut too low, etc) so she can’t come to school until mom can take her shopping. Which might be tomorrow. Maybe.

I bought Hope a new backpack this weekend. Someone stole her first one. Some kid, and some parent didn’t make them give it back.

I’m completely fed up with this planet. My kingdom for a Klingon Bird of Prey and a crew to fly her!

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