I Was Wrong

When Hope’s teacher didn’t e-mail me for a couple days, I jumped to the conclusion things were improving. I was wrong.

My wonderful child, the delight of my life, and the easiest child ever to teach, has become a seemingly unmanageable hellion, who shrieks for the fun of hurting people’s ears, throws things when asked to clean up, and whose ears actually recede into her head when anyone says anything she doesn’t want to hear. And she lies. And steals.

Yet another person wants to know if she’s been evaluated for ADHD. Hey, isn’t it amazing, six months ago, no one had asked that question? Could it POSSIBLY be, that all the crap going on in her life has her a little messed up? Hello?

The doctor she’s been seeing since she was ten days old, does not think she’s ADHD. Everyone who knew her before her father was forced out of her home, does not think she’s ADHD. Unless ADHD is caused by emotional trauma, which I’ve never heard, y’all need to back the hell off.

I’m so glad my family’s been fixed. Yes, things are much better now.

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