I Got the Power

Yeah, okay, so I didn’t. We didn’t. My whole school didn’t have the power today.
Okay, query in the mail. Despite, or maybe because of, an absolutely horrendous day of work…

Take 824 kids. Turn them loose for “Field Day” to wander the campus, supposedly with their teacher, but the teachers don’t go where they say they will, and they let the kids go to other teachers if they ask nicely.

Now make it a Wednesday, so the kids get out early and parents think of it as a half-day and so make appointments when the kids won’t miss as much class time.

Now cut the power. That’s right, no computers for finding kids’ teachers, no phones or intercom for calling classrooms, no bells, and only six walkie-talkie-type radios.

Guess whose job it is to find all those kids?

Yeah. I got that query ready in self-defense. One more day like that may well kill me.

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