Come On, Brain.

It’s 1100. I did stay up late, but I also got up late. So I had enough sleep. I’m also properly caffeinated (or on my way to it, anyway.) I’ve had breakfast. I’ve had time to wake up.

Now I need my brain to function, please!

Grr. Awright. Gonna do a writing exercise. Wish me luck.

Almost twelve hours later: I’ve gotten 95 of 147 pages of editing into the computer. Taro is at 79,431 words and still growing a bit. This is a happy thing, as most publishers ask that a novel fall between 80,000 and 100,000 words.

I’m trying to get this done tonight, but as the minutes tick by that hope becomes more forlorn.

Guess I oughtta quit blogging and get back to work, huh?

Midnight, and I’m not done. I’m close enough I keep thinking I might get there…but every break I take is longer, and I keep wandering off even when I shouldn’t be taking a break. So I give up. 121 pages in the computer, 26 edited left to go, and thirteen that aren’t edited.

I will get this done tomorrow.

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