Things I Know about Sarah Palin

She claims not to believe polar bears are endangered by global warming.  The accusation is that she flat-out lied to defend her position, but I don’t know that.

Her executive experience is less than two years as governor of the largest state in the union.  A state with a population that, in 2000, averaged 1.1 persons per square mile.  While I’m sure moose are much harder to lead than people, that still doesn’t speak to me about her qualifications.  Rhode Island, smallest state in the U.S., has more people than Alaska does.  Forty-six states, and Puerto Rico, have more people than Alaska does.

She doesn’t know what a vice president does.  Does she have a lieutenant governor?  Who is taking over while she’s campaigning?  (Google to the rescue!  Here he is.)  Does she have no idea what her lieutenant governor does?  One might be able to extrapolate from there, I’d think.

Oh, and–there are many copies, and they have a plan.   😉

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